Friday, May 11, 2018

Favourite book and film

My favourite book is "Nuestras Sombras" that was written by María Teresa Budge in 1940 ,she was born 1898 and was a journalist and novelist, this book was written for young people. I read this book more than 10 years ago and It have a very good quotation , "Our shadows are bigger than ourselves", what we do in life, whether good or bad, is marked or rather leaves a memory. Form a shadow that enlarges in goodness or badness. I was never a good reader because I do not read almost anything.

My favourite film is Star Wars, I could watch these movies all my life and at every moment. When I was 4 years old my father showed me the movies of star wars and I loved them. It was a whole new galaxy, planets, spaceships, droids, empires and rebellions, meet this was one of the best moments of my life.

Resultado de imagen para star wars leyendo


  1. I love star wars, is my favorite film, and I always go to the cinema with my father at the premier of the films

  2. I have never read that book, but I liked that quotation :)

  3. I read that book I really liked

  4. Every time that a film of star wars was transmitted on tv, I watched. An interesting history, but today i don´t remember so much.

  5. Star wars broke age barrier, it's fantastic
