Saturday, July 28, 2018

Person that I admire

Without hesitation I would say that technology is what I like the most in the world, for this reason I'll talk about Steve Johs (1955-2011)and Bill Gates (1955). Steve Jobs, was an entrepreneur and business tycoon in the computer and entertainment industry. He was co-founder and executive president of Apple. In 1976, with the money obtained from the sale of their Volkswagen van, they founded the company Apple Computer, based in the garage of the Jobs family. Bill Gates computer scientist and American businessman, founder of Microsoft. The developer of its operating system, MS-DOS (1981), which would evolve into the popular Windows 3.1 (1992).
these people born in the same year, they made something so little developed become a global priority and that this will move forward with great strides. they were like idols to many people, many change their lives, giving them work, opportunities and new fields research and study. since I can remember has a picture with news about Bill Gates and Steve Johs, keeping them as if they were relics. it could be said, they were always in my house and I was mature with them.

Thanks for read my blog ... may the force be with you

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  1. Steve Jobs was a genius, he left a great legacy to the new generations :)

  2. the technology is a more important in the world in this moment, is really important for us

  3. His inventions have helped us a lot, the technology is everywhere now

  4. Everything is in constant progress, the world needs more people like this.

  5. Two great geniuses who changed history

  6. two geniuses that have been relevant to the world.
