Friday, September 28, 2018

My Ideal English Class

I don,t know many english because my basis is very bad. it is difficult for me to write and talk , generally  I don´t know to say as every time I blocked. My ideal english class would be to help me ask questions and answer, reinforce vocabulary, how to interact with another person or could help us understand a little more complex texts in the field of science. Making block is a very big help, allow for me to interact with other people in a different way. i don´t like about class are listening, every time I don´t understand people because they speak very fast, the accent of English or my lack of vocabulary, it is often the last option.
I learned a lot in English 2 and 3 but I still need a lot, and I am very far to have a high or good level of English.

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Sunday, August 12, 2018

My Experience

it's time to write the last blog. I have to say that it was very complicated to write and much more in English, I had stories to tell but I'm not good at telling you and less at writing and do it in English put an even more complicated challenge. Some blog topics were very good ,for example person that I admire, technology I had the opportunity to talk about how much I like technology and how I changed my life. there were also blog in which I had nothing to say, for example the photo or music.
thanks to the blog I have been able to improve my English vocabulary, to better use vocabulary and translation help pages, also to not be so afraid to write in English, since it is not complicated and I discovered very good stories, thoughts, ideas and objective of many people. I think the blogger platform is very complete and a good tool for these activities, I would not include anything else in these activities and the issues are not complicated.
I have to say that I had a lot of fun doing all these blog and that was a very good proposal to improve English, I would change some topics, since I did not have much to say but overall it was a great experience.

Thanks for read my blog ... may the force be with you

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Friday, August 10, 2018

Mental Disorders

Anxiety Disorder
Anxiety is a normal reaction of people in situations of stress and uncertainty. An anxiety disorder is diagnosed when several anxious symptoms cause distress or some degree of functional deterioration in the life of the individual who suffers it. A person with an anxiety disorder may find it difficult to function in different areas of their life: social and family relationships, work, school, etc. Anxiety disorder could cause panic attacks or phobias in people. It can happen to any type of person but usually in a young and adult, but it is independent of the gender of the person. Treatment used to control it is: Verbal therapy that focuses on the modification of emotional responses , If necessary, medications are used and physical exercise.
The people who suffer with this do not have very good relationship with the family, it also happens to society, they are not able to interact with the people around them. Currently, depression and anxiety are the main causes of medical licenses in the country and cause big losses to companies, companies choose to create campaigns so that workers are not so stressed.

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Friday, August 3, 2018

My Favourite subject

The subject that I like the most Organic Chemistry. In this subject the classes are theoretical but since I also have organic chemistry lab, I can apply to this and help me understand and it's something I use until I finish the degree. In these classes the teacher explain how to use, identify and understand organic chemistry. I like because it shows you a new world from a chemical structure perspective. In this subject there are classes that are completed by teachers and seminar, done by auxiliaries.
There are very good teachers teaching this subject but there is also another one that are not, since classes after a while they become boring. I think that students in the subject are about 150 people or a little more. The main contents seen in this subject have been alkane , alkene , aromatic hydrocarbon and mainly how to use each of them to be able to create new molecules.
I think it will be one of the most difficult subjects of the degree and also one of the most difficult, for the amount of content that exists and memory that is needed. It's awful :D

thanks for read my block ... may the force be with you

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Saturday, July 28, 2018

Person that I admire

Without hesitation I would say that technology is what I like the most in the world, for this reason I'll talk about Steve Johs (1955-2011)and Bill Gates (1955). Steve Jobs, was an entrepreneur and business tycoon in the computer and entertainment industry. He was co-founder and executive president of Apple. In 1976, with the money obtained from the sale of their Volkswagen van, they founded the company Apple Computer, based in the garage of the Jobs family. Bill Gates computer scientist and American businessman, founder of Microsoft. The developer of its operating system, MS-DOS (1981), which would evolve into the popular Windows 3.1 (1992).
these people born in the same year, they made something so little developed become a global priority and that this will move forward with great strides. they were like idols to many people, many change their lives, giving them work, opportunities and new fields research and study. since I can remember has a picture with news about Bill Gates and Steve Johs, keeping them as if they were relics. it could be said, they were always in my house and I was mature with them.

Thanks for read my blog ... may the force be with you

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Saturday, July 21, 2018

Music in my life

First, I do not like music. Most people love it and and it's a great conversation topic in which I can not participate, generally cause great emotions in people , they go to see their artist to sing them but I can not deny that I love good music in video games, movies and series.
Try to enter the subject of music, really try it. Throughout all this time I have been able to learn to play an instrument , I have guitar, piano, violin and ukulele but I only know the basics of each instrument and  some songs. I do not have any favorite band, or kind of music that I hate or like but If I had to say something I would say the soundtrack of star wars created by John williams or the soundtrack of a Japanese movie, called kimi no nawa. I hope to find good music soon.

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Friday, July 20, 2018

¿ My Photo ?

I do not like to take photos and I do not like to appear in them either. I will talk about a picture that was taken recently, the photos that I will put them my father took. This photo is already for 2 months, it was the day a new member arrived to the family and his name is Guus, this picture was taken in my house on day Saturday.
This bunny came to my family to help make our house more alive , because we are not very close and the house is always silent, also so that my father has company while he is at home. I do not have to say that Guus also to take care of the house while we are not in it.
Since that day I have someone that arriving home fills you with surprises ... for example, that ate the cables of the headphones and urinate on my bed.

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Friday, May 11, 2018

Favourite book and film

My favourite book is "Nuestras Sombras" that was written by MarĂ­a Teresa Budge in 1940 ,she was born 1898 and was a journalist and novelist, this book was written for young people. I read this book more than 10 years ago and It have a very good quotation , "Our shadows are bigger than ourselves", what we do in life, whether good or bad, is marked or rather leaves a memory. Form a shadow that enlarges in goodness or badness. I was never a good reader because I do not read almost anything.

My favourite film is Star Wars, I could watch these movies all my life and at every moment. When I was 4 years old my father showed me the movies of star wars and I loved them. It was a whole new galaxy, planets, spaceships, droids, empires and rebellions, meet this was one of the best moments of my life.

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Friday, April 27, 2018


When I was 4 years old my father plaied with me in the computers, Could you guess what? , a videogamer the Star Wars of that time. I could tell you that the computers it,s my favourite piece of technology and discover that I love Science fiction also. 
How I use it ? How often I use it ? I could use the computer all day and night if possibler , I like use the computers is very funny . When I have time ... I always use it to play videogames but I also use it for other things, for example watch series , read news , watch videos of interest , study , talk to my friends , etc. I like it because I can see everything that wants with a very easily and when I want. 
I think that if the computers would disappear I would feel that everything is more complicated and I would have to look for new things to do in my free time. 

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Friday, April 20, 2018


When I was a little boy I was not worried about my future , only wanted to play videogames and that time will pass.  My parents told me about these decision, I started to thing that path to follow.
I thought of becoming a military , astronaut , pilot , nothing similar to what I study now.
There came a moment where I had to decide,I wanted to be a engineer chemistry but programme I did not like them , my sister arrived with a paper to my room about Chemical and Pharmaceutical career and I´M HERE.
This time in the university has been very good. I enjoy in the free time with my new friend , the programme is nice and the teachers are very good.
I will like to work in a laboratory or hospital, I would like to be able to create new things in the laboratory or be able to help people in the hospital

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Thursday, April 12, 2018

This is Me

Matias Molina L. have always lived on Santiago and have 19 years.
My father traveled for in large part the Europe also for Peru and Australia. He have a very good histories , for example when lived in castle of Spain and Germany , he told me your sisters and brother ran for the hallway and played many years ago.
Mother have always lived on Santiago in San Bernardo. She studied a textile engineer in a technical high  school.
The things that I like to play video games , usually spend a lot of time the weekends or I spend time with my girlfriend. Also, I like to watch series in Netflix, the last days watched "La casa de papel" and "Wakfu" , I just have to say, are very good.
I'm currently studynig chemistry and pharmacy in the university od Chile and I'm very happy for this personal achievement. The teachers are of great quality and partner are very friendly.

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